Inspired by Why™
We believe that great clients and great financial professionals have a sincere desire to do their best thinking in any planning cycle. Yet with the complexities inherent to corporate planning for Fortune 1,000 companies and personal planning for self-made families, it’s all too easy for intellectual creativity to get diluted and momentum to dissipate. That’s why we created a philosophy and a methodology that allows all the stakeholders in planning to consistently do their best thinking on any project at hand.
Inspired by WhyTM refers to the environment we create through every relationship. We help affluent families and established companies reset their vantage point, leading them back to the excitement and inspiration that comes from being in their best thinking mode. When they get into that space, they naturally find the same kind of vision flow that was present all those years in building a business. They become Inspired by WhyTM.

Firm Profile
Founded in 1976, Benson Blackburn is a specialized insurance consultancy firm with an emphasis in providing exclusive access to Proprietary Life Insurance, Private Placement, Corporate Benefits, and Business Preservation solutions for ultra-affluent families and closely-held businesses.
History & Milestones
For over 40 years, Benson Blackburn has grown into a sustainable, multigenerational services and administration platform. The firm is focused on delivering world-class solutions and consistent, high-quality services to the clients and advisors who entrust us with their personal planning, life insurance portfolios, and corporate benefit plans.
Core Values
To accomplish our mission and live up to the long-term commitments we make, our team operates with the highest sense of urgency and is deeply committed to the core values below.
Key Attributes
Benson Blackburn’s independence enables us to provide unbiased advice to our clients and their advisors. We utilize a highly disciplined approach to help enhance life insurance portfolios and corporate benefits pricing.
Our Philosophy
We believe that great thinking is the precursor to great outcomes. That asking the unanswered questions invites great thinking into the room. That armed with clarity of your vision, all participants in the process are inspired to operate at their highest level of contribution. And that in this light, together we live up to the calling that is our life’s work.
Traditional Life Insurance
The balance sheets of most ultra-affluent families are comprised of complex assets with varying levels of liquidity. Additionally, most wealth transfer strategies require time to mature.
Private Placement
Investment Accounts
One of Benson Blackburn’s specialties is in the structuring and administration of Private Placement Variable Annuity (PPVA) and Private Placement Variable Universal Life (PPVUL) Investment Accounts.
Corporate Benefits & Business Preservation
Employers continue to rely on technology both for information and to streamline enrollment, record keeping, and compliance processes for their corporate benefit plans.
Client Service & Reporting
Large life insurance portfolios require a level of ongoing attention that experienced professional advisors appreciate.